Beaumes to Aubignan

Very easy and pleasant walk. Start on the indirect route towards Beaumes, i.e. Route de Caromb then first left then, instead of following round right to the village, go straight on at the fork down Chemin de la Robine. Keep going straight, crossing l’Ancien Chemin d’Orange à Malaucene, and follow this road all the way into Aubignan. Before you reach the centre/main road there is a footpath on the left with a bit of red, iron fence bearing a direction sign “Village” (sign not that visible; it’s opposite a house number 71 on the right). Take this path down and cross the Carpentras canal (it’s a small canal, used for irrigation rather than sea going barges). Turn right along the canal for 20 metres or so and then fork left on to a metalled road down into the delights of central Aubignan.

To return, retrace steps to the canal and then turn left to go back in a clockwise direction on the footpath alongside the water, crossing the road a couple of times, all the way into Beaumes. There is usually a lovely light on Beaumes as you come back in the early evening after a couple of beers. Could be the sunset, or the beers. Nobody knows. The canal comes out at l’Ancien Chemin d’Orange à Malaucene  (sometimes called l’Ancienne Route d’Orange à Malaucene for added clarity). Go along this road until you reach Chemin de la Robine, turn left up here to be back where you started.

Circuit about 5km, on the level, around 90 minutes. Cafés, shops, boulangerie in Aubignan. Street market Saturday.